Vision & Mission



Educating a male member may offer economical support for the family, but by educating a female child we assist the overall growth of a family which facilitates the progress of a nation and its better future. Educating a female child further aids the battle against injustice, intolerance, and superstition.

Sri Sarada Niketan College has been focusing its vision to serve the underprivileged, financially and socially backward young girl students, through a range of educational and social welfare activities.


To inculcate ethical values and a sense of discipline, in keeping with the fabulous tradition of the nation.

To provide lifelong education and guidance that produces graduates with the skills necessary to sustain individual career success.

To develop the Institute into a top-class learning centre with an excellent ambience for academics and research coupled with a vibrant environment for honing the extra and co-curricular skills of all its students to enable them to meet the challenges of the fiercely competitive world.