Department of Commerce

The department of Commerce was established in the year 2009. The department aspire to provide students with knowledge of accounting principles, economic policies, fundamentals of business administration, essential knowledge about the corporate world and other aspects that impact trade and business. The department organizes association activities with wide range of managerial and communication skills every year for the benefit of students to enable them to compete in the Job Market with placement facility. Teaching is coupled with study materials and industrial visits. Our department produced university rank holder in Commerce in the academic year 2015.


Business Management Branch was established in the year 2011. From its inception, the department of BBA has been contributing to the business community and the society through various activities such as workshop, seminars, and Business EXPO. The main focus of the department is to make due contribution to enrich the knowledge, managerial skills, leadership skills, communication skills and commitment to the true administrative and financial skills thus creating successful entrepreneurs and corporate heads of tomorrow.

Goals & Objectives


The department is to provide unique learning all round development and training, innovative thinking, sensitization to social and environmental needs and a holistic outlook on life along with discipline.


The department mould the students to meet tomorrow’s opportunities by providing them top quality education, empower them with positive qualities as well as life skills and problem solving skills and face challenges in the rapidly changing world.