Associations & Activities

ACT-2K16-Computer Science and Applications association had its beginning in this academic year. Various eminent personalities from computer field were invited to deliver lectures on the latest developments in computer field. A seminar was conducted on resume preparation, placement training and Group discussion. Various tips were given to the students about the do’s and don’ts in a placement and group discussion. Aptitude tests were conducted regularly to improve the analytical and logical skills. Events under the association are lectures by experts, workshop for career development, Industrial visit, inter department competition Computer for non-computer students and conducting scholarship exams. The association members created awareness of new computer technologies by putting up clippings and magazines in the department notice board.

“Competence” is an annual inter-collegiate computer cultural organized by staff and students of the department.

Students are taken on visits to computer research laboratories and other places of academic interests within and outside.

The teachers of the department also organize/attend lectures and seminars on the areas of latest developments in Computer Science and Applications.

Employees of the college and students of the other major departments are introduced to the usage of computers at various levels.